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What's 'Growing on' in the Montagu Arms' Garden?

14th May 2018

Whilst spring is still deciding whether or not stay, we’ve been able to enjoy some brief but wonderful visits from the sun in The Montagu Arms Hotel garden; enough at least to bring our beautiful sanctuary in the heart of the New Forest to life and give us the burst of colour we’ve been most looking forward to.

Flowers and buds are truly blooming throughout, whilst the garden’s winding walkways are scattered with bright beautiful colours once again. You can’t help but love an afternoon wander, or two, to catch every last glimpse of the new life growing, giving us hope of warmer, brighter coming months and long evenings sat in the garden enjoying fine wine and the floral fragrance of summer.

The Kitchen Garden | Montagu Arms Hotel | New Forest

What can we find?

Crowds of Bergenia and Daisies surround the lawn, whilst charming tulips stand tall and proud welcoming you to the garden.

Brush past Candytufts and Forget-Me-Not’s that are now spilling onto the pathways and look out for the beautiful Apple and Pearl Blossoms looking down over the Kitchen Garden.

The Kitchen Garden 2 | Montagu Arms Hotel | New Forest

Be sure to stop and enjoy the stunning thistle-like Centaurea and pass by the elegant Bluebells, alongside Spanish Pinkbells, Muscari and Comfrey.

All of the garden’s offerings are perfectly placed and complement one another; never a coincidence in this New Forest Hotel garden, simply a result of Head Gardener Barry Daniel’s expertise and creativity.

To Barry and Head Chef, Matthew Tomkinson’s delight, the Kitchen Garden is beginning to supply the award-winning Terrace Restaurant’s kitchen with the fresh produce they love; the Leeks, Perpetual Spinach and Rhubarb are well on their way, as well as herbs Thyme and Rosemary.

The Kitchen Garden 3 | Montagu Arms Hotel | New Forest

We can look forward to succulent Broad Beans, ‘Ruby’ Swiss Chard and Cavallo Nero Kale in the coming months, whilst opposite the home of the hotel chickens, whose eggs are greatly enjoyed at every breakfast, there’s great anticipation for what Matthew has in store for the growing Raspberries and Blackberries - some sweet sensations or special additions to his tasting menu perhaps, but no doubt, we will love any creation. 

If your looking for hotels with gardens for your next UK break, explore the Montagu Arms' garden during your visit to Beaulieu, New Forest. 

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The Kitchen Garden 4 | Montagu Arms Hotel | New Forest

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